Sunday, September 20, 2009

Carousel Of Being

When was the last time
Was simple?
I was on a tune
Light as a breeze
I thought
Aren't I lucky
To have actually had a childhood
To run and play
Without distraction
And the harsh realities of adulthood
Upon my feet
In my eyes;
I look at children today
And somehow
They're older
No more wiser than I was
But far older in their youth
It's like
A young Michael singing
'People Make The World Go Round'
Pain and heart beyond one's years
Except the notes are seen
None-the-less beautiful
Bringing tears
Because it's dangerous
To know the world too soon;
But I can't help to wonder
With their eyes around me
Was I the same as a child?
In someone else' eyes?
Is it just a carousel?
Round and round
As I'm standing there
Beyond and ticket-less

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