Monday, March 2, 2009

Salvia Officinalis

This is a rare one for me... let's see if you can figure out why. Comments are always appreciated... enjoy!

“Salvia Officinalis”

What will your verse be
In the great cry that is life?
A ballad
As crisp as roses in bloom
Against a springtime melody?
Or a requiem
Billowing and gray
As thunderheads filled
With the sorrow
So often misplaced
As your own?
What will be sung
As you are lowered
Or scattered?
Cerulean notes
Off rhythm
Or cherry compositions
Ready to burst
To the enigma
That is you
Beyond those who would know?

Think not of your tune
But your tone
For it’s never the song memorized
But the cyclic harmony
That plays in the mind
Resounding verse upon verse
To make sweet the memory
Of the stanza lived
To make long the memory
Of the verse that lives…

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