Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bowed To Love

So I'm conflicted. I have a deeply held belief (that is somehow based in fact) that if I write for someone who I am emotionally attached or attracted to, the relationship falls apart. Though those close to me might disagree, I am not much of a talker. I've toiled over how this came to be, but have never minded since I have my poems to speak for me. With that being said, I met someone. Over the past few days I have tossed about several ideas for pieces but have made a rather concerted effort not to pen them. As a hopeless (or is it hapless?) romantic, I can't help but to wear my emotions on my sleeve. But it is draining when time after time the very tool I am to use to express those emotions leads to unfulfilled potential. I will never understand why people run away. The 1st entitled "Nothing" won't be posted here as it unfinished and will very-likely remain that way. The second is "Bowed To Love". I only hope that for once I can break this curse... I know. I ramble...

“Bowed To Love”

I’d like to love
As blue skies in spring
Like a robin’s song does sing
Bowed to love
My brightest smile
Attempting to think of things
I’d love
To bring to you upon my wings;

I’d love to love
As sweet as my daydream
Lost in your eyes that call
Me away
Cleared to love
Greatest relief
As I attempt to hold
Spell cast
With first touch
Spread wing
Desire’s flight
I the robin sings
Bowed to love
The summer that I dream…

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