Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lost Ad

I lost a journal over the last 24hrs and it's killing me. It wasn't the 1st time, and somehow I know it won't be the last. But that doesn't stop it from hurting. So....

"Lost Ad"

Pardon me
But have you come across my soul?
I seem to have misplaced it.
I know,
Stupid right?
But I swear
One moment it was there
Safely tucked away
And the next,
Like money
Before I could even dream of enjoying it;
Out there
Being fondled
By some perv
Or worse yet
Being raped of it's purity...

If I don't find it in time
I wonder
Will I be like them
Looking at all those
Passing me by
Looking for some semblance
Harking back to mental snapshots
Coupling them
To inevitable evolution
In my pursuit of reunion...

I know
It's a bit much
Maybe too dramatic?
But it's all that I have
All that I will leave this world
Beyond bills
And the occasional story
Of that fella
What's his name?

A description?
Well that's a little hard...
Seeing as how a soul
Is the sum of it's experiences;
With that I guess I'd say
Musical in it's approach
Lyrical in fact
A little angry
A tad witty
With a splash sexual innuendo;
Never too high-brow
But thought-provoking
Full of struggle
And the trappings
Of an inexplicable existence...

You need more?
Sage-like at times
With just enough naivety
To entice...

One moment here
And the next
If this was the only occurrence
I wouldn't shake my head in wonder
At what you must think of me
To lose something so important;
But one cannot find one's self
Until one loses their self
So it comes as no surprise
That I am here
I've been losing things
Just as I have been finding things
For many years now...

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