Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jesus Saves

I saw this written in marker on the window of a subway car this evening. During this time of celebration and "giving", I couldn't help but be moved..right in line behind yet another customer.

"Jesus Saves"

Jesus saves
And I can't help but notice
That for each one
There are a million more lost
Left behind
Under the connivance
Of choice

Jesus saves
And so did Zeus
A million other gods before them
Tied in with the times
And truths that could be proved
In the remnants of forgotten ruins
Nomadic souls
And that little thing we can't escape

Jesus saved
And bounced a couple of checks
In a balancing act
Made comical
By the countless saps
Including myself
Who threw their grains
Coins and neighbors
Onto the altar
In an attempt to explain
What was never meant to be explained
Because isn't that the purpose of God
To rule
Never explaining his actions?
I mean,
Look at any corporation...

Jesus saves.

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