Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Over Ice

Penguin came into view
Waddling his balance
As they often do
Holding himself
Despite his pomp
Seemingly unsure of himself
Confusing bling for soul
Confusion for control
He is the path so many choose to take.

penguin came
His unfortunates in tow
Ghetto melody sung
Product of the equation
Society over culture
To the square-root hypotenuse
Bastardized belief
Of just whose job it is
At what time of the day
To raise this egg
Protecting it from elements
Usually more dangerous
The closer they are to home.

A penguin
Whose set of wings
Can longer help him reach the sky
Just the depths and darkness
Of his frigid world
But for the time someone takes to know him
Or question him
As they'll eventually do
In his right of passage
If it already hasn't occurred.

Penguin that I see
'Cept different nest
Could've been me;
Never forget your diminished wings.

Beyond the blue of your world
Again to skies you'll fly some other way...

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