Monday, November 9, 2009

Junkie In A Slinky B

Several people inspired this poem from both my past and present. When I think of them, I am always reminded of what a comedian once asked... 'Who are the biggest liars?' His answer...well, you'll have to ask me face-to-face for that... Enjoy!

"Junkie In A Slinky B"

Got to get it in him
So he 'round my block
Everything behind and beyond
Iron gates;
Got ta get it in 'em
So he 'round
Chasing skirts
And I'm sure a few dicks in between
Tapping up
His Kentucky-fried Bojangles
Song and dance;
But he runs from me
Slinks away
Knows I'm unafraid to look
With the truth being
I think him to be
Far more interesting
Than the everyday staccato
He's junkie in a slinky b
smooth and deep
Thinking he's lying
While living the truth
That this shit is hard
And most of us
Aren't but a dead relative
Single paycheck
Government priority
Hospital stay
Best friend
Lost job
Lost soul
Away from him...

Got to get it in him
So he can dream
So he can sleep
scratch the itch of survival
Melt away in blue
Just so...

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