Monday, August 24, 2009

Corner Sermon

Gonna tell me
At this moment
That the dream is achieved?
If so
Lets talk awake.
Lets talk promises and acres
The green kind
Not the ones that rise
Blocking the sun
It's precious vitamin D
Building blocks for the strength
That helped build this nation
Upon misshapen backs
And the mutilated souls
Of those who tried to chase the dream;

Gonna tell me
Claim me
That I don't take enough advantage
Of the opportunities abound
When my kings and queens
Are ruthlessly pursued
Butchered down
Just to remind them
Where they live
Who runs this thing
Why should I want to achieve?
Why should I want to leave
A system
That rewards me for remaining in it
Yet penalizes those who even
To rise above it?
Go ahead
Tell me
I shouldn't think that way...

I had a dream
Pretty sure
The same dream
But when I woke
The nightmare called reality
Slapped me back down
'Get in yo' place nigger'
Behind smiles and institutions
Too many to name

I had a dream
Probably the same
But when I woke
There was no unity
Just the reality
Of mental chains
Mocha verses coffee bean
Stone ghetto against plantation green
And the reality
Each time someone asks
'Are your parents white?'
Because I speak properly
That even now
My skin tone equates to
Dick size

Go ahead and tell me
What to do
Tell me
To shut my mouth
Get off the pot
Join the race
Move myself into creation
When evolution
Consistently passes me by
Leaving me here
On the corner
With my tired words
Tired eyes
Afraid to sleep
Afraid to dream any more...

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