Sunday, August 26, 2012


I'd swear the sun moved across the sky a little faster
That the moon vanished behind the dark
One too many times
That stars fell to my feet in laughter
At their master's joke
And that I couldn't conceive the irony.

I'd swear the grass makes me itch now
And the beach's sand grates my flesh
That my tears never flowing
Wait in a cul-de-sac to flood
The remainders of my life
As leaves fall to my feet in laughter
In understanding their master's intent
And that I could not grasp the irony.

I swear that toys still speak to me
And songs of the pew have never faded
That my eyes would still betray me
And my gut can never fill
As my tongue can never taste
Because my heart will not be still
As it falls to my feet forever laughing;
The joke's on me... isn't it?

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