Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ugly People

I woke this morning
Heart racing
Pressure throbbing
To a sky gray and damp
Echoing my memories
Regurgitated in nightmares
Of ugly people
An ugly man
I used to run away from
But now feel
I must make my way back to.

I woke
The pain in my chest telling
Of unresolved evils
Ugly people placed upon me
In their cruel attempts
To shape
Whittle me down
To whatever they envisioned me to be.

Slowly returning to myself
Understanding that ugly people
Predominantly this ugly man
Was an echo
A shadow
Periodically at my back
Between my ears
To remind me
The task is never finished
The mission never complete
In reconstructing one's soul
In an attempt to undo
A tightly knit tapestry of existence
One thread at a time....

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