Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Comfortable Strangers

We know each other, but will we ever truly KNOW each other...

For dad.

"Comfortable Strangers"

Comfortable strangers
Uncomfortable dreams
Revelations of truth
Through any and every thing;
At the back of a heart
Desire still lies
Holding on
But fading to zero
Beneath rotating skies;
Underneath these words
A comfortable stranger
Lost in crowds
Of attempt and failure
As uncomfortable eyes
Haunt in dreams
Of cloudy skies
Bringing about a winter of things
Lost within uncomfortable wonder
Whether they'll taste the light
At some point together
Beyond flesh's plight.

Comfortable strangers
Mysteries unsolved
While staring at mirrors
And the multiple images made
In the cracks of resolve
Maybe forgotten
Maybe just dreams
As comfortable strangers
Reside in their excuses for things
Almost never spoken
With a silence that pierces
Louder than screams
Echoing within
The chambers of uncomfortable souls
Attempting to justify
Of releasing to hold...

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