Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Synchronus Muddle

Hues blur past me as the cityscape melds into one seemingly ever-moving streak.
How many times have I wanted to yell
Hoping somehow that this world would
That this blur would
Just so I could have my personal eternity of clarity.

But we move.
I move.
Crawl, climb, stumble, walk, stumble, run, stumble, fall,
Stumble, creep... die.

In between? Dance.

Most times I think alone,
But as it turns out, far more with others;
Such is joy
Always upon my heels
Where I've moved to
Danced to love too
And four and five
And more times I forget now than I could have ever hoped to remember.

That's what that streak sings to me
Until I come to a stop and there is just silence
And the gathering of more stories
To crowd my passage.

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