Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It was wet and cool...and I was waiting. Waiting for what though?

" ? "

Dampness intertwines
With the mulch I breathe today
Come muted sounds
With the trees so still it makes
Harmony bound
High as the squirrels that run away
Without things they forgot to bring to play

Too late the shade
Even though the light's still high
In the afternoon that fades away
Too late to stay
With the souls that came to play
In moist emerald dreams
That sing so right
Of the most forbidden things
That fill my mind

Eyes they look to me
Brown as the bark that rise
Beneath this emerald sea
And the jade that begs to rise
With the leaves so still
So shy
It's too late to say
That the moment feels so right

Dampness on the breeze
As the darkness knocks upon the sky
And forest melodies enter my mind
At one with the still beneath my needs
At one with the real in this fantasy...

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