Saturday, April 11, 2009


There's always someone who thinks they can do no wrong... (When I posted the four works after this one, I'd actually forgotten that I'd written this one yesterday and had wanted to post it...)


You brought your breeze
Took me to forever
You raised my dreams
Thought you were so clever
But baby things
Have a way of catching up to us
Like Icarus’ wings
Broke the heart of Daedalus

You took my love
A way nobody ever
Held me strong
Smiled as if so clever
But baby many
Times has this heart been severed
I know result of game you play whatever

You brought the words
Hooked me on the pleasure
Looked at me
With eyes that spoke so clever
Forgetting iris and pupil
Together windows to the soul
I stared in deep unbeknownst
Took control
Broke the tether of your hold

And now you stand
Here before me
Thinking you so clever
Soared too high
My sun stole your wings
Grounded you forever
Words and eyes useless
A smile that can only quiver
Knowin’ I got the best of you
And now who’s the one that’s clever?

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