Thursday, February 5, 2009

"November Sobriety"

I wrote this election night '08. With history being made I, as with many things, needed a subway ride to mull it all over. What was said. How it was said. What it meant to me... to us...

“November Sobriety”

I looked into his eyes
Restraining the waves
That would eventually fall
In the private room
Already such a rarity;
Looked into his eyes
Listened to his voice
As had been on his historic path
Saw the realization
Of the task at hand
Inspiring not just a nation
But a world
And for all I knew
A universe;
Listened to his voice
Hearing warnings of things to come
This is a man who knows better
(Or at least has someone working for him who does)
Who will sit as others before
In his private room
Now almost a distant memory
Either growing or shrinking
With every blow
As the inevitable selfish
Pray to their god of earth
As to their God of heaven
What about me?
But this is a man who knows this;
Knows better I hope…

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